Saturday, February 4, 2012

About me (a predictable first post!)

I'm a crunchy, thrifty, activis(h)t, full-time working new mom who wants to have it all. By all I mean lots of time with my family, a clean house, homemade meals, happy/balanced fur babies-you know all that Stepford Wives kind of stuff. Who am I kidding!? My days are crazy. I wake up and the second my feet hit the dirty laundry covered floor, the list begins and Paul McCartney starts in with "Lady Madonna" and I'm lucky if I can stumble to the shower without tripping over my chihuahua who hasn't been walked in weeks. Hence the name I chose for the blog, in that entropy is the tendency of the universe to move towards a state of chaos. Life is chaos and this blog will be all about how I battle it.

So, I ask myself, what makes me think anyone will actually read this tripe? Friends and family have told me that some of the crazy stuff I do is pretty interesting and I'd like to think that it can be helpful to others out there who may be in the same boat as me (the USS theeconomyistoocrappyformetobeastayathomemom). 

Next question to self, what makes you think you have the time to blog this tripe? I don't really! However as a kid I was an avid journal writer. I wrote religiously-every night and it helped me process the day and was very therapeutic. I think its time to revive that pastime! Except now I will be sweeping baby paws away from my laptop as I type because boy, does this kid want to get her some laptop in her mouth! 

I've got so much I want to blog about, the next part will be figuring where to start!

Now, I've got a fussy baby to tend to!

Until next time!


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